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Wild Coast Invitations (eco, plantable)
California wild coast wedding invitations on seeded paper
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Description Details

Wild Coast seeded paper cards

Inspired by the timeless beauty of Big Sur, its incredibly fragant pines and eucalyptus trees, the Wild Coast wedding invitation will bring a natural timeless touch to your wedding reception. Create a wildflowers garden by planting your seeded paper invitations and watch your own wildflowers grow 🌱

california big sur wedding invitations

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Customer Rating Customer Rating 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 larger image bttn

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 superb love love February 1, 2018
by: Karen from Hawaii  
Hi! Oh my God, your plantable cards are the BEST THING EVER.
I feel like have been looking for this all my life ! but never dreamed someone could be making modern, sophisticated designs with this kind of paper.
After being on divas and zazzle for hours i stumbled upon you and felt my depression and frustration lift!
I am an absolute enviro crazy tree hugger sustainability consultant and our Carbon footprint was one of my top concerns in buying into the Wedding Industrial Complex! So, thank you!

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