Card Type: Californian Invitations - All in One (including detachable RSVP card)
Card Dimensions: 5.50" x 15.00" (w x h)
Printing Process: Digital Offset Printing
Paper :
Envelopes: Clear Tabs included
Proofs: Digital proof via email included
Designer: YOU
1% of the proceeds are given to the planet
Made in the USA
- Clear eco envelopes (made from plants) are provided for the plantable all in one (Send and Sealed) invitations.
- Three clear tabs per invitation are provided for the non-plantable invitations.
- The above methods have been tested and approved as the best way to ensure proper delivery to your guests. The detachable RSVP will be returned to you as a postcard and unprotected, just as postcards are generally mailed. If this is a concern, please reach out to us for alternative options.
recommended postage for the all in one invitation should be
hand-canceled. The service varies with the USPS pricing (Generally adds an extra $0.20 or sometimes free, depending to whom you talk to. You may want to ask a couple of clerks. Be sure to mention it is for you wedding). The mailing cost for the RSVP postcards is a
postcard stamp. Please consult with your local USPS clerk.